MARCH 27, 2020 REPORT #4
As OHBA fields questions, we will continue passing along the ongoing stream of information, FAQ, and updates. Both attached and linked below are a few of the most recent sources for your review.
For any past updates or further information, visit the OHBA website at or like us on facebook/OhioHomeBuildersAssociation.
Coronavirus Workers Comp Update (See Attachment)
Bureau of Workers Compensation FAQ (See Attachment)
COVID-19 Resources for Businesses and Families
Ohio Chamber of Commerce info/FAQ, Employment Considerations
Ohio Nursery & Landscape Association Release
Contract and Contract Obligations. Even though work may proceed, it is important for contractors to examine their construction contracts to determine their rights and obligations under the current coronavirus pandemic circumstances.
The Order referenced utilities, construction, infrastructure, etc., so have interpreted to mean they may be part of essential business language. Engineers were not specified like accountants.
If you want to get more detailed analysis, contact OSPE’s lobbyist, Holly Ross, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. She is monitoring full time.
County Recorder Update
Please find the up-to-date excel spreadsheet regarding access to County Recorders’ offices. Currently, we have 17 counties Option 1; 70 Counties as Option 2; and 1 as Option 3.
Trumbull Co. is currently the only county in a level through due to employees presenting with symptoms.
Ohio Home Builders Association
Toll Free- 800/282-3403